For ios instal Super Leo World
For ios instal Super Leo World

for ios instal Super Leo World

I did get a new account and I am saving all the gems because I got bored of my older account. I have yet to get a card that I really wanted despite playing for a full year. So a tip for new players is to save crystals when you first enter the game because new conversations (which gives you crystals) will gradually decrease in numbers the longer you play. You need to be extremely lucky and save a ton of crystals. I personally use note speeds between 10-11. It might seem quick but it is to balance out the amount of notes that you can see on your screen. A tip here would be to use note speed of 8 and above. In terms of the actual gameplay with the notes, it can be very easy and very difficult depending on which song level you choose. It doesnt force you into all the mechanics at once but you do get a brief explanation for them (which I find really efficient).

for ios instal Super Leo World for ios instal Super Leo World

Difficulty in gameplay: Hm, it's very simple and can be easily understood for new players. It was Roki Roki or something- I have actually heard that song before and just finding it there made me so nostalgic and it instantly became one of my favorite songs to play. ■ Songs: One song in particular caught my attention when I first played it. Love the character art tho for each 3 star or 4 star card xdd I do lag a bit but I think Im just impatient when it comes to loading. I just like how casually the sprite of the characters move lol. Okay so now let's discuss more of my thoughts. I'ts easier to look at and just looks really aesthetic. This one in terms of its gameplay style is different and franckly i like that lol. I have played many Rhythm games in the past.

For ios instal Super Leo World